Increase Your Income, Minimize Taxation, Create Generational Wealth, Become Your Own Bank and Becoming a Properly Structured Entity
Curriculum | Coaching | Consulting
We will customize and design a strategic plan to PROTECT, MULTIPLY & PRIVATIZE YOUR LIFE! This is accomplished through our proprietary Personal Wealth Evaluation™ which is a Simple 3-Step Process.
Assessment (Information)
Consultation (Education)
Restructuring (Decision)
We Specialize and Intentionally Educate Our Clients How To:
Take Control and Self-Direct Your IRA!
Protect Your Assets from a Lawsuit, Judgments, Creditors or Unwanted Family Members!
Turn Your House into a Bank and Create EXTRA Wealth!
How to Properly (re)Structure Your Business!
After 31 years we have discovered that the majority of client’s personal and financial goals do not match their retirement goals and business goals, because the rules of money have changed.
Most, if not all of the current professionals that they trusted have no strategic plan in place to benefit you as the consumer, which creates unresolved problems. At your 67-Minute Retirement Strategy Conversation you will learn about the 5 biggest unresolved problems a consumer faces.
Our Vision
Help Americans to PROTECT, MULTIPLY and PRIVATIZE Their LIFE and Educate Business Owners How to Leverage Legal Loop-Holes!
Our Mission
Educate You That There Is No Such Thing as a Good or BAD Economy, It's the Economy that You Create for Yourself that Matters!
Our Goal
Is to Deliver Education and Knowledge. Isn’t It About Time You Received the Right Coaching!
Dr. Ebbie D.
Bobby S.
February 5, 2020
Stop Losing Money!
Reduce Taxes!
Understanding the Power of Debt!
Asset Protection and Privacy!
Understanding Risk!
Starting a Business!
Improve Financial IQ!
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